KENT—Townspeople will have a chance to comment on the proposed $15,688,881 2024-25 municipal budget Friday, May 3, at 6 p.m. during a hybrid public hearing. The meeting will be held in-person at the Town Hall, 41 Kent Green Blvd., and can also be viewed via Zoom (meeting id 894 3164 3938 Passcode: 166336).
The budget reflects a $1,088,057, or 7.45 percent increase. With revenues from all sources factored in, the mill rate is projected at 16.26, down from 18.76.
Copies of the proposed budget are available at Town Clerk’s and First Selectman’s offices in Kent Town Hall, 41 Kent Green Boulevard, and on the town website. Any disabled person requiring special assistance should contact First Selectman Marty Lindenmayer for A.D.A. coordination at 860-927-4627 or at least five days prior to this meeting.