KENT—The People and Places of Kent March program will explore the history of St. Luke’s Lodge #48 and will be held Wednesday, March 19, at 11 a.m. at the Senior Center, 16 Swifts Lane.

Bill Case, current secretary of the lodge and a past master, will describe its history and current activities with the help of members Dick Vreeland, David Peet and possibly others.
A tour of the lodge, located on the second floor of the Templeton Farm Barn above the Senior Center space, will follow the program. The lodge headquarters, a hidden gem, was beautifully crafted by Bill Case and his fellow members.
St. Luke’s Lodge has a long history in Kent since its founding in 1806. From the late 1800s until around 1990, it was located in Bulls Hall, above what was then the Kent Post Office (currently The House of Books) on Main Street. As a fraternal and community service organization it supports local activities, especially scholarship programs.
The history of St. Luke’s Lodge #48 is intertwined with the history of Kent, its citizens and leadership over more than two centuries. The People and Places of Kent series is co-sponsored by the Kent Senior Center and the Kent Historical Society.
The program is open to seniors and their caregivers. To register, call Kent Social Services at 860-927-1586 or email