KENT—The Architectural Review Board gave its approval Monday night to a fence that will separate St. Andrew’s property from the lot of the former Country Clothes.
Architect Wes Wyrick represented the parish in presenting the proposal. The 184-foot-long barrier would be composed of solid cedar panels along the north boundary of the parish property. It will run from the back of the lot to about 30 feet from Route 7, ending with shrubbery planted near the sidewalk. The fence will be less than six feet high.
ARB member Victor Lewis noted that the fence between the back of the lot and the cemetery is of a different material—wrought iron—and wondered if continuity of materials might not be more esthetically pleasing. “My concern is consistency and that it will feel disconnected,” he said.
Wyrick noted that the back of the parking lot has abundant vegetation that softens the transition. An open wrought iron fence on the north side would fail to provide privacy, ARB member Jonathan Moore noted.
All members agreed that greenery in the front corner of the fence would soften the effect. It was confirmed that the cedar would be allowed to weather to a natural color.