KENT—The Santa Fund is accepting gifts and monetary donations to provide local children with a merry Christmas.
The fund, which operates anonymously, provides gift cards to families in need, allowing the families to prioritize their needs during the holidays. In addition to the gift cards, the fund will have its third “Santa’s Workshop,” during which participating parents can shop for their children between the ages of 1 to 16 years. Participating local children can also pick out a gift for their siblings and/or best friends.
Monetary donations should be made payable and mailed to the “Kent Santa Fund,” P.O. Box 678, Kent, CT 06757. They can also be hand delivered to Joyce Kearns on the second floor of Town Hall. Gifts should be dropped off in the Selectmen’s office at Town Hall, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Friday, December 8.
Those with questions, should contact Kearns directly at 860-927-4628 or email