KENT—The Republican Town Committee held a caucus Thursday, May 23, at Town Hall to endorse candidates for the Registrar of Voters and Justices of Peace, backing Sal Lilenthal for registrar and James Rundall, Kevin Place and William Gawel Sr. for justices of the peace.

Prior to the meeting Sarah Marshall, Kent Memorial Library director, gave a presentation about the library’s $6 million expansion plan. Architectural renderings of the expanded library’s exterior were shown. The original brick building will be connected to the adjoining firehouse and a clock tower between the two existing buildings will house an elevator to the second story of the former firehouse.
Marshall described the new floor plan, which would provide an additional 3,000 square feet. A second-floor meeting room in the former firehouse would hold 70 to 80 people, accommodating future programming and events. The area would also have a kitchen and some storage capacity.