KENT—The Park and Recreation Commission voted recently to purchase a new 10-by-10-foot shed to replace the deteriorating one at Kent Common.
Park & Rec Director Jared Kuczenski said he had taken down the old shed with the assistance of students in Housatonic Valley Regional High School’s work-study program and had put its replacement out for bid.
“We got three quotes with a pretty wide range for prices,” he reported. They ranged from $4,550 to $5,470, and the commission opted to go with the low-bidder, Barn Yard Sheds & Garages.
Perkins asked if the shed could be installed before winter. Kuczenski thought so and urged immediate action. “These quotes are only good for so long and there is a six-week lead time,” he said.
Kuczenski reported he had received a lot of positive feedback about the new playscape at Emery Park, which opened Oct. 14. “I drove through, and the parking lot was packed,” he said. “I’ve never seen that in two years.”
In other business, the commission voted to go back to in-person meetings, with the option of going to Zoom. The commission will continue to meet at 7 p.m. the third Monday of the month, except for holidays.