At 7:30 p.m. that same day, Merryall will stage its season opener with singer-songwriter Jill Sobule and Antigone Rising.
“A Show of Feathers” reflects Petrochko’s lifelong passion for birds: their plumage, behavior, and adaptability to change. This passion has led to the study and volunteer work in ornithology at the Yale Peabody Museum, where she is co-founder of their Natural Science Illustration Program and currently teaches courses in Drawing and Painting Birds, Watercolor, Colored Pencil and Mixed Media.
The collection of paintings in this show represents lifetime observations of birds and wildlife from Connecticut, Florida, Arizona and Costa Rica. Subjects vary from local backyard birds to shorebirds, raptors and botanical-themed paintings. Original artwork, framed giclee prints, greeting cards and jigsaw puzzles will be offered for sale during the Merryall Center’s season events, which runs on select dates from June 1 through Sept. 29.
Petrochko is the recipient of many national and international awards for her paintings. Currently she is the Artist-in-Residence at the Roger Tory Peterson Institute in Jamestown, NY.
The community has Merryall board member Phyllis Schaer of Sherman to thank for the introduction of Petrochko’s show to the area. More information on Petrochko and a complete listing of Merryall Center’s season events can be found at: www.merryallcenter.org. To contact the artist directly: doripbird1@gmail.com; Instagram: @doriesbirdart; or visit her website www.doriepetrochko-studio.com