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Park and Recreation proposes $220,748 operations budget


KENT, Conn.— The Park and Recreation Commission has hammered out its proposed budget, suggesting substantial increases in two areas: the director’s salary and maintenance of facilities.

The final proposal, after adjustments were made at the Monday, Jan. 27, meeting, was $220,748. The figure does not include three-line items for pension, insurance and Social Security, however, as they will be added later by the town treasurer.

In opening the discussion, Chairman Rufus P. de Rham explained that Park and Recreation has both a departmental budget and a Capital Plan through which it funds major projects or acquisitions. Monday’s discussion focused only on departmental expenses. 

The commission has completed its initial work in outlining its financial needs and the budget now goes to the board of selectmen for discussion and subsequently to the board of finance, which may adjust it. It will then be incorporated into the town’s budget for voters to act on in May.

de Rham advised his board that it is their duty to push for the best options for the town.

“I don’t believe in padding the budget,” he said, “but it is very rare that other boards will add anything to it. So, it is probably good for us to go slightly higher in preparation for their cutting the budget.”

As with most departments, the biggest costs are found in personnel.

Park and Rec Director Matt Busse said he had kept most items, such as supplies, mileage, postage and the like, flat or with only minimal increases. Some areas, such as utilities, will see increases because of increased services.

The biggest increase in the proposed budget is the director’s salary. Busse, who will celebrate his first anniversary in his job in February, earned accolades from the commission. A cost-of-living (COLA) increase of 3 percent would have raised his salary to $65,517 for a 40-hour week.

“But he works a lot of overtime,” said de Rham. “If you look at the surrounding towns, Cornwall pays $54,180 and Warren pays $45,565—and those are for 20 hours. If Matt were to look around, there are openings that will pay upwards of $75,000 to $80,000—Westport has a position advertised for $150,000.” 

He said the town’s recreational programs have “buzzed right along” and that Busse is “bringing Emery Park back to life and has put tremendous energy into planning.”

“I would like to add to Matt’s salary,” he concluded. “I think he’s worth it.”

So did the other commissioners and various levels of increase were discussed.

Member Heidi Wilson made the final proposal of a 6 percent increase, assuming a basic COLA of 3 percent. She added a caveat that if the COLA should be higher than 3 percent, his pay increase would be 3 percent on top of whatever the figure might be.

It was passed unanimously, fixing his proposed salary at $67,425. His starting salary was $63,000.

Busse thanked the commissioners and assured them, “I enjoy working here and have no desire to leave.”

Salaries for part-time employees will also increase.

Busse explained that state law now dictates paid sick leave, with one hour of time off being accrued for every 30 hours of work, up to a total of 40 hours of leave. Salaries for the workers will also increase from $16.50 and hour to $17 an hour because of an increase in minimum wage.

Busse said he had reduced the number of part-time employees to make room to pay an intern and the commission later approved a job description for interns.

The commission discussed the possibility of increasing the fees for programs offered by private instructors. At present, the commission provides promotion for the classes and the venues, and the instructor keeps 90 percent of the revenue. “That is a very generous portion for the instructor,” said Wilson. 

Busse said the percentage is “etched into” the bylaws and that any change would require a “deeper conversation.”

de Rham said the commission has increased its fees somewhat over the years and may have to again, but added, “We have to be cognizant that a lot of people can’t afford a lot of money and we want to be available for them, too.”

Busse has been successful in engaging more local people in programs. Locals pay lower fees for participation than do residents of neighboring towns. This, he predicted, will cut program revenues virtually in half next year. “But I would much rather see a lower number and serve more of our own population,” he concluded.

Vice Chairman John Grant turned his attention to maintenance needs, saying that there are repairs and painting to be done at both Emery Park and Kent Commons. Members voted to raise the maintenance line item by $2,500 to $27,500.

Grant suggested that more grants be sought to help with expenditures and Busse said that he and Town Treasurer Barbara Herbst explore grant opportunities on a regular basis.

“Some of them are more loans than grant, or Kent doesn’t fall into a category because we have a higher median income,” he said. “It puts us in a bit of a pickle when looking for grants, but we have our eyes hawkishly on them.”

Kathryn Boughton
Written By

Kathryn Boughton has been editor of the Kent Dispatch since its digital reincarnation in October 2023 as a nonprofit online publication. A native of Canaan, Conn., Kathryn has been a regional journalist for more than 50 years, having been employed by both the Lakeville Journal and Litchfield County Times as managing editor. While with the LCT, she was also editor of the former print Kent Good Times Dispatch from 2005 until 2009.

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