KENT—The Planning and Zoning Commission has enacted a six-month moratorium on applications for any cannabis related businesses. The moratorium becomes effective Dec. 1.

“The six-month moratorium will give us a chance to examine a potential regulation,” PZC Chairman Wesley Wyrick observed when the commission met Nov. 16. “It’s just a pause for anyone who wants to apply.”
If the commission has not completed work on the regulation within six months, it can authorize two successive six-month extensions.
In the meantime, Cannabis Subcommittee Chairman Sarah Chase said she is lining up experts to participate in a hybrid informational session that will be held either Jan. 16 or 23, depending on potential conflicts with other events.
The commission members took care of some housekeeping issues, approving a change of wording in its regulations governing approval of motor vehicle repair or sales businesses.
Zoning Enforcement Officer Tai Kern said the state requires the signature of the ZEO following approval by the local zoning commission before a license can be issued. The wording change was approved.
Secondly, Kern reported that two town regulations concerning accessory buildings in front of dwellings were contradictory, one stating that accessory building “are acceptable if not in the front yard” and the other saying only that they are permitted by special permit if 100 feet from the front lot line. The PZC eliminated the first of the two regulations.
The commission approved an application from John Casey to split one of his large spaces in Kent Green into two suites rather than one large one. There would be no external changes to the building, which formerly was occupied by a dance studio. Casey has assigned additional parking spaces to the building to meet zoning requirements.
The commission approved the application pending the new use being approved by the Sewer Commission.
Kern advised the commission that it is currently 70 percent in compliance with action items it assigned itself when the 10-year Plan of Conservation and Development was approved two years ago.
Still pending are action on such things as solar arrays, lighting regulations and density of construction.