CORNWALL – Democratic delegates in the 64th District of the General Assembly nominated incumbent Maria Horn of Salisbury May 15 as their candidate in November’s election.

Horn is running for her fourth two-year term. The convention was held in the Cornwall Town Hall.
Charles Kelly nominated Horn for the position, and both Kathy Voldstad and Alan Fox gave nomination speeches.
“Maria brings intelligence, experience, and compassion to her role as our state representative and Maria works hard for us,” said Voldstad, noting that it is hard in a few minutes to give justice to the scope of work Horn does. “A close look at her record makes it clear that Maria cares about our children, she cares about our elders, she cares about our farmers and our small business owners, she cares about the environment, and she cares about education. She cares about healthcare and women’s reproductive rights. She cares about us, the people in the Northwest Corner, and she cares about Connecticut.”
In her acceptance speech, Horn highlighted the principles that continue to motivate her:
“To be an elected official who serves the people to make our government work in the best interests of our long-term prosperity.
– Making sure the voice of district and its distinct character are woven into the policies we enact in Hartford.
– Working with everyone, even if it sometimes means making messy compromises.
– Building relationships, in District and in Hartford, by listening to and respecting people,” she said.
Horn said that she’s chaired two different committees during her six years in office, the Public Safety & Security Committee and the Finance, Revenue, and Bonding Committee this term.
She vowed to continue her work building relationships and trust and noted that not everything is accomplished in a single year or a two-year term.
Horn’s opponent is Republican Barbara Breor, who currently serves as Goshen Town Clerk.