To The Editor:
Although I am no longer on the Board of Kent News, Inc., I remain extremely supportive of their ongoing efforts to provide a quality news source for the wonderful people of Kent.
Recently, I learned that The Kent Good Times Dispatch has acquired a generous grant which will double every single donation made through the end of 2023. Some may believe that their donation would be too small to help in any appreciable way. They are wrong. Every single donation matters.
Moving beyond 2023, additional new funding (grants, etc.) is often based on the total number of individuals who have made contributions to the newspaper. Numbers are important. They show exactly how many people believe in the need for local journalism here in Kent.
I hope my fellow Kent neighbors will step up to the plate and donate whatever is financially feasible for them. There is power in numbers. I believe that many great people with a shared mission can accomplish great things. Local journalism is a great thing.
Deb Schlee,