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Land Trust poses Mad Lib Summer Challenge


KENT—Is our summer just kicking in? Or have you run through the gamut of barbecue, swim, lemonade, pickleball, ice cream, hammock, rinse and repeat? Either way, are you ready for something totally new and more than a little bit … Mad?

Kent Land Trust’s Bull Mountain Preserve trail is one of the five trails chosen for this summer’s Mad Lib Summer Challenge.

This year’s Kent Land Trust Summer Challenge aims once again to let area residents experience Kent’s hiking trails in a new and creative way. Have you ever done a Mad Lib? If this hilarity wasn’t part of your childhood experience not to worry—it’s super easy!

Kent Land Trust has taken five of its trails—Bull Mountain Preserve, East Kent Hamlet Nature Preserve, Iron Mountain Preserve, Skiff Mountain South Preserve, and the Audrey & Robert Tobin Preserve—and installed 20 blue markers along each. 

For each, it created a Mad Lib for a hiking party to complete while on the trail—one word per marker. Download and print the Word Key and Mad Lib before leaving, assigning someone to record the chosen words on the Word Key. After reaching marker Number 20, transcribe the words into the Mad Lib. The resulting story may be fantastic, screamingly funny, shocking, silly, crazy, or just possibly brilliant.

All the materials needed for the challenge can be found at Anyone who runs into a snag, is asked to reach out to KLT at Participants can brush up on their grammar with some Schoolhouse Rock, and warm up with the example below.


Mad Lib

 “ [1_________________________] !” the hikers shouted [2_______________________] as they turned the corner on the trail and found a [3 _________________________] [4 ________________________] waiting.

Word Key

  1. Exclamation
  2. Adverb
  3. Adjective
  4. Noun

Zany Story

“ Wow!” the hikers shouted shockingly as they turned the corner on the trail and found a flashy dog waiting.

Complete all five Mad Lib hikes and submit five “Marker-20 selfies” (one at each hike) to as proof of completion. All finishers receive a prize and a surprise. There will be prizes for Most Creative, and Zaniest selfies. The first three finishers receive an additional prize for speed.

Send KLT the Mad Libs (keep it clean, please) to win prizes for Most Creative, and Zaniest story. Feeling up to the challenge of creating one’s own Mad Lib? Sent KLT a story with 20 blanks for an additional prize and that it will potentially be shared as an add-on adventure.


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