KENT—The town’s streets were astir with activity last Saturday as the community rolled out the red carpet for Santa, lit its Christmas tree on the village green, watched gayly bedecked vehicles go by in a Parade of Lights, and welcomed visitors to a town all dressed up for a party.
The Chamber of Commerce had billed the day-long event as a CommUNITY Holiday Fest designed to bring people together.
The weekend brought rain Friday night and into Saturday, but that did not dampen the community event. Fire pits warmed visitors as they made their way along the festive streets and into stores offering treats and hot beverages. There were raffle baskets and drawings for holiday items and gingerbread houses that invited all to stop and admire the ingenuity of Kent bakers.
The Gingerbread Festival continues through December and a map is available at local merchants to help visitors locate them. While adults admire the craftsmanship of the bakers, children can enjoy looking for hidden gingerbread men in a variation on the popular game, “Where’s Waldo?”
As the sun set, the action shifted to the town green and the lighting of the Christmas tree. The Kentones and Kentettes, a singing group from Kent School, set the mood with Christmas songs—a mood the Grinch, dressed in Santa garb, tried to spoil. But, undaunted, Santa arrived in a shiny red firetruck, ready to flip the switch and turn on the annual town Christmas tree.