To the Editor:

Is gun regulation really a divisive issue in this country? The numbers suggest it isn’t. A Fox News poll reveals that Americans are in strong agreement on many gun regulation issues:
87 percent believe all gun buyers should be subject to criminal background checks;
81percent want improved enforcement of existing gun laws;
81 percent want to raise the legal age to purchase a gun to 21;
80 percent believe there should be mental health checks for all gun buyers;
80 percent agree that police should be able to take guns from people who are a danger to themselves or others, and
77 percent favor a 30-day waiting period for all gun purchases.
(Balara, Victoria. “Fox News Poll: Voters Favor Gun Limits Over Arming Citizens To Reduce Gun Violence.” April 27, 2023)
These numbers clearly demonstrate that the vast majority of Americans support common-sense gun regulations.Consensus, not division.
Furthermore, I believe that all of us are sick, tired, and downright angered by mass shootings, senseless gun violence and tragic accidental shootings caused by careless handling and storage.
Justin Potter, Democratic candidate for State Senate, District 30, is among the overwhelming majority of Americans who favor commonsense gun regulation.
A gun owner himself, Potter began hunting in his youth and maintains deep respect for the dangers of firearms. I personally know Potter, and I can attest that he believes the right of gun ownership comes with commensurate responsibility.
Potter’s opponent, incumbent Republican State Senator Stephen Harding, does not appear to share that belief and is woefully out of step with the significant majority of Americans.
Harding voted against the “Act Addressing Gun Violence” (Bill No. 6667) in the Connecticut legislature last year. That bill includes expansion of gun storage regulations, carrying provisions and ghost gun regulation.
Governor Ned Lamont ultimately signed the bill into law without Harding’s support. Harding simply does not get it and does not care what Americans want.
Gun violence simply cannot continue to be the leading cause of death for American children. Please join me in casting your vote for Justin Potter.
Leslie Lillien Levy