KENT—Planning and Zoning’s Cannabis Regulations Subcommittee has recommended that a survey be conducted to determine public reaction to the subject.

Sarah Chase, chairman of the subcommittee, said the subject of cannabis regulation is “nuanced and complicated,” with many different aspects to consider such as agriculture, medical cannabis, social equity, the cultivation of cannabis and hemp, and retail and producer perspectives.
“There’s a lot that goes on around this space,” she said.
She also said consideration must be given to the evolution of newer forms of cannabis, such as Delta 8 and Delta 9. Delta 9 concentrate has cannabinoids that were probably extracted directly from the cannabis plant and concentrated, while Delta 8 concentrate cannabinoids were likely synthetized and concentrated through a chemical process.
Delta 8 produces a lesser effect and is often preferred by those using cannabis for medical reasons.
“The regulations should follow the science,” Chase said. “We want to understand this. Delta 8 and Delta 9 are now on the market and that is not what you would find naturally in the plant. We want to take into consideration the natural plant and the way it has been manipulated. Where we have new forms that could lead to new forms of addiction is where we, as regulators, have to think about it.”
She said there are two schools of thought about using cannabis to treat people who suffer from other addictions, with some believing it can help people overcome those addictions and others fearing that marijuana with high levels of THC can produce a new addiction. Vape pens that can deliver high concentrations of THC can also be problematic.
Used medically, cannabis “can be useful for one’s health,” she acknowledged and reported the DEA considered three area for medical use during discussions about rescheduling cannabis from a Class 1 to a Class 3 drug.
“We want to respectful of people in town who feel strongly about the medical use of marijuana and CBD,” she cautioned.
Chase questioned how much the pubic might know about the different aspects of growing, producing and selling cannabis and hemp and the commission agreed that an informational meeting for the public should be held before the survey is released.
“We need to get a heat map from everyone in town about how they feel about it,” Chase said. “I might be underestimating what people know and feel about this because the state went through this before legalizing cannabis.”
She said she had received emails from people about the difference between cannabis and hemp.
The subcommittee was authorized to set a date for the first informational meeting.
Asked how they would get the word out about the meeting, suggestions included the town website, flyers and social media. “Smoke signals,” member Larry Dumoff suggested dryly.
It is probable there will be two informational meetings before the survey will be released. When the data has been collected, a regulation will be crafted, and a public hearing will be held.
“I’m generally optimistic that we will get a lot of good feedback from people in town, people who want to help people and, at same time, make sure that we keep public health and safety at the forefront,” Chase said.