KENT—There will be a Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Event April 6 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Danbury Public Works headquarters, 53 Newtown Rd.
The drop-off is open to 14 towns, including Kent.
Residents bringing items should remain in their vehicles at all times and place the items in the back of their vehicles. They should have identification ready to display. Workers will remove the materials. There is no smoking on the site.
Items that can be deposited include such things as paints, stains, varnishes, paint thinners and strippers; wood preservatives, resins and adhesives; furniture, floor and metal polishes; rug, oven, toilet bowl and drain cleaners; pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and more.
Not allowed are pharmaceutical and medical wastes; ammunition, fireworks or other explosives; empty aerosol or propane tanks; alkaline batteries, radioactive materials, motor oil, antifreeze and other items.
Click here for a complete list of accepted and prohibited items.