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Democrats Plan Ice Cream Social


KENT—Local Democratic candidates and state representatives will be present to meet voters Saturday at an ice cream social planned for 2 to 4 p.m. at Falcon Field. 

The ice cream sundae bar will be free to Kent voters. A wide variety of toppings will be offered.

There are 13 Kent Democrats running for office this year. Voters will have an opportunity to meet all the local Democratic candidates running for the Nov. 7 election.

“The Kent Democratic Town Committee is offering this event to encourage Kent residents to learn about their candidates and vote in the municipal election,” said Patricia Oris, chairman of the Kent Democratic Town Committee.

Democratic Registrar of Voters Therese Duncan will be on hand to register voters, if anyone is new to town or wants to change their registration, bring identification to complete the process.

October 31 is the last day to register to vote by mail or online. All registration must be in person after that date. The Registrars are in their office from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Among those attending will include Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz, who will speak about state issues and in support of Kent’s Democratic slate of candidates. Bysiewicz has been a supporter of Lynn Mellis Worthington, Kent Democrats’ candidate for first selectman, ever since she was first endorsed by the Democratic Town Committee. 

“I have been thrilled to talk regularly with Susan throughout the campaign,” said Mellis Worthington. “She is a huge advocate for female leaders and candidates. Her backing of my run for first selectman is a clear statement that reinforces the strength of our party and how Democrats truly do the most good for the most people.”

In the event of rain, the event will move to the Kent Community House, 93 North Main St. in Kent. Check the KDTC social media on Facebook and Instagram for updates due to weather.

For more information about Kent Democrats and this year’s slate of candidates, see


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