KENT, Conn. — Father Piotr (Peter) Buczek was formally installed as pastor of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha parish on Sunday, Oct. 20, at Sacred Heart Church in Kent, Conn. Parishioners welcomed Auxiliary Bishop Juan Miguel Betancourt (Archdiocese of Hartford) as he con-celebrated the Mass with Fr. Buczek.
On July 1, 2023, Fr. Buczek was named parish administrator for the Roman Catholic parish that serves Kent, Sharon and Cornwall; he was named pastor one year later. During this weekend’s special Mass, he was presented to the congregation by Parish Trustees Gary Davis, of Kent, and Thomas Bartram, of Sharon. Altar servers were Edwin Hernandez, Ella Epstein and Gracie Gawel, all of Kent.

A well-attended celebratory reception was held in the Sacred Heart parish hall following Mass. Parishioners from all three churches were in attendance and revelers young and old welcomed the chance to get together. Many children asked Fr. Buczek to sign the weekend’s parish bulletin after Mass, which he obliged with a laugh.
“It is truly a blessing to continue serving this community, and I am grateful for the opportunity to guide and support you in our shared journey of faith,” Fr. Buczek wrote in a recent letter to parishioners.
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha parish was formed in 2017 with the Archdiocesan merger of Sacred Heart in Kent, Saint Bernard in Sharon, and Saint Bridget in Cornwall Bridge. The merger brought the three parish families and staff together; the parish office and rectory are located on Cobble Road in Kent.
Weekend Mass times are Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. at Saint Bridget Church in Cornwall Bridge (7 River Road, Sharon), Sundays at 8:00 a.m. at Saint Bernard in Sharon (52 New Street, Sharon), and Sundays at 10:00 a.m. at Sacred Heart in Kent (17 Bridge Street, Kent). Weekly Mass times and information about holy days of obligation, catechism for children, and special events can be found at the parish website.