KENT—Kent Quilters, a community quilt group now in its ninth year, will continue its third annual Quilt Walk through Oct. 28. Quilts for sale have been placed around town with merchants, and maps are available throughout town to follow.
Each year the group chooses a different local non-profit to work with and money raised this year benefits the Kent Center Scholarship Fund. Past recipients have been the Kent Memorial Library, the Kent Volunteer Fire Department, the Town Veterans Committee and Kent Affordable Housing.
This event is twofold: to sell the quilts to raise money, and two, to provide a free activity for families to walk through town, mark the code by each quilt on their maps, and then drop in to Sundog Shoe and Leather in the Kent Town Center to claim a handmade prize.
The group works on projects for this event throughout the year. There are several “sewing” days, when members bring their sewing machines and spend a morning together, and there is always a signature group project to mark each year’s recipient. Two of the group’s quilts hang in Town Hall.
This year, the group was honored to exhibit at the Bradley International Airport for six months.
Currently, the Veterans Committee quilt is part of an exhibition at the Woodbridge Library. Barbara Marcone is displaying one of her intricate appliqué quilts as well.
The group also made almost two dozen baby quilts for the American Army Base in Germany at the beginning of the year.