KENT—The Planning and Zoning Commission has given final approval for another affordable housing unit in town.
The approval came the week of Dec. 18.
Virginia Bush Suttman had proposed turning an accessory building on her land at 8 Bluff Road into a deed-restricted detached dwelling unit accessory to a two-family dwelling.
She had been held up waiting for the Sewer Commission to approve the lateral hookup and by her inability to attend that agency’s last meeting.
“Everything is in order now,” reported Land Use Officer Tai Kern. The commission quickly acted on the application.
“Creation of affordable housing requires the patience of Job, the persistence of Sisyphus and the luck of Irish,” said Suttman. “There we go, one more tiny home in Kent.”
Suttman’s property has a two-family house on it and an ancillary building formerly used as a studio/office.
Previously, only one additional dwelling unit was allowed on a lot, but last year Suttman, president emeritus of Kent Affordable Housing, spearheaded a change to the zoning regulations that allows a third unit if it is restricted to affordable housing.
The construction had already been approved by the town building inspector.
Suttman, who has avidly supported the creation of affordable housing for decades, said she is doing this to encourage others to create accessory dwelling units on their properties that can be rented or leased to those of lesser means.