To The Editor:
With very few exceptions, I have voted exclusively Democratic on the local, state and federal levels since I first began voting MANY decades ago. I have worked hard on Maria Horn’s campaigns for the 64th and have never regretted my support for her. I made get-out-the-vote phone calls for Jean and Glenn in the last election.
After watching the First Selectman Debate (twice!! with many thanks to Kent News, Inc.), I realized that all three candidates are great people who care very much about Kent and who basically want the same things for the wonderful people of our town.
So why am I supporting Marty Lindenmayer for First Selectman?
First, Marty has acquired impeccable leadership skills over the years at the National, International and local levels. He has excelled at everything from U.S. Naval Captain and Senior Intelligence Officer to Chairman of the Kent Center School Board of Education, President of the Lions Club, a Trustee of his church and so much more.
He is a strong environmentalist who grew up on a farm and has a love for nature that aligns perfectly with “keeping Kent rural,” while at the same time making sure we are up-to-date with modern necessities such as internet for all.
He is an amicable, small-town kind of guy with worldly experience, who will bring a breath of fresh air and a “let’s get things done” attitude to his job as first selectman of Kent.
I love Kent! At a time when national politics are so strongly divisive, it’s refreshing to know that small towns can accomplish great things without partisan politics. Kent is fortunate to have such an incredibly strong, well-rounded, and bipartisan candidate running for first selectman. We deserve the very best.
Deb Schlee