KENT—There are only two items on the call for the Friday night, Jan. 17, annual town meeting, scheduled for 7 p.m. at Town Hall, 41 Kent Green Blvd.

A “housekeeping” session, the Town Meeting will ask voters to authorize the Selectmen and Town Treasurer to borrow from time to time upon the credit of the town to meet the town’s needs.
The second item calls for the appointment of Jordan Iovino, Claire Love, Rufus de Rham and Heidi Wilson to terms as full members on the Park and Recreation Commission. Miranda Lovato and Mary Gawel, a new candidate, will seek appointment as alternates.
Gawel was nominated for the position last week by the Park and Recreation Commission after Kate Symonds indicated she wanted to step down. The commission makes recommendations to the Selectmen, who then formally nominate the candidates for the town meeting vote.