KENT—Music in the Nave’s next production will be a cabaret featuring folk artist George Potts in an intimate setting with candle-lit tables and complimentary wine and cheese. The performance is scheduled for April 6 at 7 p.m. in St. Andrew’s Parish Hall, 1 Main St.

He will perform songs from his first solo album, “Ends & Odds.” His featured guest will be multi-instrumentalist Gordon Titcomb, who has worked with Paul Simon and Arlo Guthrie.
A singer, guitarist and bassist, Potts has been an integral part of Northwestern Connecticut’s music scene for four decades, most notably performing with The Joint Chiefs, vocalist Wanda Houston and the legendary pianist Dolph Traymon when he played nightly at the Fife ‘n Drum Restaurant in Kent.
“Ends & Odds,” has gained critical acclaim and a top-20 spot on the folk charts. Recorded at home during the pandemic, the songs depict an array of American places, people and emotions.
Admission is $10; tickets are available here and the door. For more information, call 860-927-3486, email the office, or visit the website.