KENT—The Park and Recreation Department has officially accepted a new logo. The logo, which has a representation of Kent Falls over images of hikers and sports equipment, was created by Connor Broderick, a South Kent School student from Spring Valley, Ohio.
Broderick took part in a competition for Kent students attending regional and private schools. “He did a fantastic job,” said Park and Rec Director Matthew Busse, who conceived of the idea for the competition. While the designs were created by secondary school students, children at Kent Center School were the ones that voted on them.
Busse said he wanted a more distinctive representation of what Park and Recreation does than the previous design, which was simply letters. “I wanted to give it more identity if we had materials we were giving out or apparel or items for sale. I wanted something that encompasses what Park and Rec is. This design encompasses everything.”
He expressed satisfaction that the design echoes the town’s logo.
Broderick submitted his design last May and it was endorsed by the Park and Recreation Commission after the school children voted for their favorite. Members tweaked the design slightly asking him to incorporate some minor changes. Broderick was a senior at South Kent and had already graduated by the time the competition ended but complied with the request.
Broderick, who was editor of the school’s Pigtail/Cardinal News Network last year, has graphic design and video editing skills that he put to use with the South Kent publication and in the digital design of the logo.
He was sent a gift card from the town for his winning design.
Second place went to Kent’s own Ashley Wilkins, valedictorian of this year’s Marvelwood School graduating class. Wilkins has been a four-year intern with the Kent Land Trust and has been active in conducting field work in bird studies.