KENT—The following property transfers were recorded by the Town Clerk during the month of January 2025.

Gregory and Judith Sheridan to John Merz and Tara Anderson, property on Camps Flat Road, $988,000
Stanley and Jerri Drazkiewicz to Stacey Ledovsky, property on Kent Hollow Road, $475,000
Betsey and Roland Levesque to Paula Levesque, property on Bulls Bridge Road, $200,000
Robert Yannocone to the Matthew Yannocone Trust and the Yannocone Family Trust, property on Kent Cornwall Road, quit claim
Midland Trust Company to Pension Associates, Inc., property on Yuza Mini Lane
Building 15 LLC to Kent Housing Development Associates, property on Landmark Lane, $425,000
The sales totaled $2,098,000, with conveyance taxes levied of $24,103.