WASHINGTON, CT—The Judy Black Memorial Park and Gardens invites the community to its annual Movies @the Park series again this year. The park will host four Friday evenings, allowing patrons to watch great films while enjoying the outdoors and the company of friends.
The 2024 schedule is:
June 7—“The Blues Brothers,” a 1980 musical action comedy. This movie follows the conclusion of the town-wide community block party that same evening.
July 12—“The Fugitive,” a 1993 action thriller
August 2—“Erin Brockovich,” a 2000 drama
September 6—“The Goodbye Girl,” a 1977 romantic comedy, with a live, in-person Q&A session with actor Marsha Mason before the film.
All Friday movies are sponsored by National Iron Bank. Movies will be screened at the park, located at One Green Hill Road, Washington Depot, CT 06794.
Additionally, there will be a family drive-in movie:
Saturday, August 31—“The Princess Diaries,” 1991, sponsored by The Glass Family. This will be a drive-in-style screening at the River Walk Pavilion, located at 11 School Street in Washington Depot.
For more information about each movie, including a plot summary, visit judyblackpark.org/movies.
All events are free and open to the public. Movies roll at dusk. BYO chairs, blankets, food and beverages. Leashed pets only.