KENT – The Kent Memorial Library invites all residents to learn about its plans for expansion Saturday, May 25, from noon to 4 p.m.
“We are welcoming the entire town to see the plans, inside and out, and ask questions of the building committee and fundraising team,” said Director Sarah Marshall on Wednesday. A postcard went out in the mail this week to all households in town.
Those attending will be able to enjoy a small treat. Marshall said she has had custom made balloons created along with special cookies.
Those attending will have an opportunity to “buy a brick” in three different sizes and corresponding amounts to help the fundraising effort, which has already raised almost $6 million through major gifts and grants.
The day’s events will also include the official kick off of the car raffle, annual book sale, plus the annual Junior Room bake sale.
The expansion and renovation of the former firehouse will allow the library to have gathering spaces for large and small groups as well as events.
There will also be “actual quiet work areas,” Marshall said. In addition the renovation will provide for increased energy efficiency and accessibility for all library patrons.