KENT—This week we were given a foretaste of fall, with cooler temperatures and crisper air. The Kent Memorial Library is preparing to wrap up its school recess programing with a couple of more programs for young people.
What better way to spend a summer evening than roasting some marshmallows, playing campfire games and hanging out under the stars? Tonight (Thursday), from 7 to 9 p.m., the library will welcome teens aged 13 and up to meet on the back lawn of the library for some late summer fun.
Next Monday, Aug. 26, at 3:30 p.m., weather permitting, there will be a Teen & Tween Back-to-School Ice Cream Social, also on the lawn behind the library. A last taste of summer will be served up for youngsters in grades 5 and up.
Registration for both events is appreciated by calling 860-927-3761 or emailing the Junior Room.
The library is located at 32 North Main St.