KENT—The Kent Center School Scholarship Fund has announced that it awarded 34 scholarships totaling $115,400 to KCS graduates this year.
The Scholarship Fund Board of Directors completed its work last month and has begun work on next year’s awards.
The Scholarship Fund has awarded 1,473 scholarships over the past 63 years. Students now vie for a total of five awards enabling them to pay for part of their advanced studies.
Since the pandemic, the fund has been the beneficiary of many donations and its fundraising over the past three years has set all-time records. Members of the fund’s Board of Directors thank the Kent community and donors from all over the country for their generosity.
The recent change in the bottle bill law has also helped the fund grow, with the fund realizing close to $15,000 a year thanks to the efforts of Roger Whitmore, Dianne Lang and Heather Gerowe. The fund recently passed $200,000 in total monies received since this project started almost 40 years ago.
Named scholarships continue to increase in number and thereby provide additional income. Persons wishing to donate to the KCSSF can mail their donations to KCSSF, P.O. Box 794, Kent, CT 06757.