KENT—The Kent Food Bank is seeking donations to purchase vouchers for local families in need, under the direction of Kent’s new Social Services Director Samantha Hasenflue. Checks in any amount can be sent to the Kent Community Fund, P O Box 262, Kent, CT 06757. Put “Food Bank” in the check’s memo line.
The director can also make use of IGA gift cards to give to families. Residents are asked to consider purchasing $25 or $50 cards and delivering them to Hasenflue’s office in Town Hall.
The Kent Food Bank also accepts food donations. It is especially in need of staples such as beans, rice, tea, coffee, sugar, nuts, hot and cold breakfast cereals, peanut butter, jellies, jams and tuna. The food bank accepts pet foods as well.
Items can be dropped off Fridays from 10 a.m.-noon in the back of the Community House on Main Street.