KENT – Kent School is offering a recreational activity for area children in grades pre-kindergarten to sixth on May 11 from 10 a.m. to noon at the school’s football field off Skiff Mountain Road.
Field Day is sponsored by the Kent School’s Community Service Program. Children will have the opportunity to participate in various games, including baseball, tennis, golf, lacrosse, basketball, three-legged race, potato sack race, obstacle course, and other similar activities. These activities may involve equipment such as a bounce house. There will be limited instruction provided to participate in this activity.
The focus will be on participation and fun, versus detailed skill-building instruction. The school expects all child participants to abide by all the specified rules and regulations. The parents of each child participant assume all responsibility and liability associated with the risks inherent in the types of activities noted and are required to fill out an online registration form.
Participants are asked to gather at the Kent School Gym Parking Lot at 9:45 a.m. for the registration process and to plan to be there for the entire two-hour event.