To the Editor,
Many folks like myself think EVs are premature in today’s America. As produced currently, they depend on enormous quantities of battery ingredients that are owned almost exclusively by China. And, obviously, reliance on that regime is obtuse.
I hope that not another dime is spent to support EVs—in Kent, or anywhere—until technology evolves to where we can build clean vehicles sustainably, using American resources. Independence is paramount, more than ever.
Please realize that I’m definitely not opposed to alternative energy. Many moons ago, at my home on Martha’s Vineyard, I installed what for years was the largest solar array on the island. My son and I assembled it on giant galvanized poles.
I am not some idealogue trying to stoke a fire. I just believe we’ve jumped the gun on EVs. That said, I do respect all objective viewpoints. I’ve spent countless hours studying the subject, always hoping that new and better innovations are just around the proverbial corner—e.g. less mining/toxic byproducts, recyclable—look out, rabbit hole ahead!
Meanwhile, we have a first-class fueling station right handy, open seven days a week. Travelers can, as always, plan their outings accordingly.
Carl van Rooyen