To the Editor:
Election Day is around the corner, but Early Voting in Kent began on Monday, Oct. 21.
On the ballot is a question that asks voters if they are for or against allowing all registered voters to vote by absentee ballot.

I am in favor of a “yes” vote. There are three reasons why.
First, our state’s elected officials, without consulting town registrars, mandated long periods for Early Voting (eight to 12 hours per day for four to seven days for primaries, and eight to12 hours per day for 14 days for general elections.)
In Kent, a minimum of four persons representing both major parties, plus a registrar of voters, staff these time periods.
Particularly in small towns such as Kent, it is a burden for the small pool of poll workers to allot so much of their time to the process and, I expect, onerous for the registrars to find the staff.
And then, these same persons will be getting to the town hall on Election Day at 5 a.m. to ensure that the polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., that the votes are properly tallied, and that the voting machines are all secured afterwards, which usually takes several more hours—a long, if fulfilling, day for all.
Second, the cost of Early Voting falls on the individual towns. Poll workers in Kent are paid for their service and meals are provided. Our first selectman or town treasurer would be able to supply the exact cost of these Early Voting expenses but estimates for this general election in Kent run into the thousands of dollars.
Lastly, there is an alternative to Early Voting. It is the no-excuse absentee ballot.
While not allowed in Connecticut at this time, approval of the question would allow all registered voters to mail or drop off their ballot without having to provide an excuse, such as being out of town, having a medical disability, or being on active service in the military, as is currently required.
Such a voting method would also allow the General Assembly to consider reducing the number of days of Early Voting it mandates.
Working at the polls on Election Day is an honor and a privilege; working for these long periods during early voting is tiring and unnecessary given the alternative.
Please vote “yes” on the absentee ballot question.
Austi Brown