KENT—Connecticut registrars of voters are struggling with the vagaries of newly mandated early voting regulations, their first experience with which will be the Presidential Preference Primary slated for April 2, 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., in the large meeting room at Town Hall, 41 Kent Green Blvd.
While the primary will take place on April 2, early voting begins March 26. Voters can cast their ballots in-person in the Registrars’ office at Town Hall from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on March 26, 27 28 and 30.
Only persons registered in the party holding a primary can vote, and they can vote only in the party in which they are registered, Both Democrats and Republicans are holding primaries, which will be held in the same location.
Voters can no longer switch party enrollment, but unaffiliated voters can join a party up until noon the day before early voting begins, or noon the day before the primary on April 2.
New voters must register at least by March 25 if they intend to vote on March 26. For March 23 voting, they must register by noon on March 21 to because of Good Friday. If the Registrars are not in their office, residents can fill out registration cards in the Town Clerk’s office.
Registration cards are also available at the Kent Memorial Library, 32 Main Street, and are printed in both English and Spanish. Spanish materials are also available in the Registrars’ office. Registration cards can be mailed until March 15 but after this date the must be returned in person.
The registrars will be in their office from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. to register voters. There are no “Election Day” registrations for primaries.
For information, contact the Registrars of Voters, Therese Duncan and Sal Lilienthal, 860-927-1953, or email; or contact Town Clerk Darlene Brady and Assistant Town Clerk Lyn Stirnweiss; 860-927-3433,