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‘Destination Area’ needs more EV chargers


To the Editor:

In response to the “EV chargers seen as need for “destination area” article that was published on July 25:

Electric vehicles (EVs) are the mode of transportation of the present and not-too-distant future. With electric vehicles taking up an increasing percentage of new car sales in the United States, and many major automakers pledging to either partially or entirely convert their fleet to electric by as soon as next year (2025), we need fast, plentiful and reliable EV charging stations, even in rural areas like Kent.

As an EV owner and driver since July 2018, I have seen an explosion in the number of level III charging stations for my particular vehicle, which can charge my car in 30 minutes or less and allow me to take several 500-plus mile road trips per year without a hiccup—no gas stations required. Oftentimes, charging stations along major highways are located in convenient areas with restaurants and shopping, allowing me to park and charge while grabbing a bite to eat and stretching my legs.

In Kent, a known tourist destination, having at least one—or better yet, several—fast level III charging stations would be an additional amenity that both out-of-towners and residents alike could benefit from. 

The Kent Welcome Center seems like a common-sense place for this, if space allows for it. Short of level III charging availability, at the very least Town Hall should fix the existing level II charging stations available in the parking lot. Last year, Kent Barns installed two paid ChargePoint stations, which opens up additional level II charging options in town.

The bottom line is that EVs are not going away anytime soon and Kent should jump on the bandwagon to make fast charging accessible to EV drivers.

Elyse Sadtler

Litchfield County

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