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Catholics celebrate New Archbishop


KENT, Conn. —Sacred Heart Church had a distinguished visitor Sunday, Dec. 22, when the Most Rev. Christopher J. Coyne, sixth Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Hartford, presided over the 10 a.m. Mass.

The archdiocese comprises the counties of Hartford, Litchfield and New Haven. Archbishop Coyne was named to his post on May 1, 2024. He is a New England native, having grown up in Massachusetts.

Sacred Heart is part of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish, which also has member churches in Cornwall Bridge and Sharon.

Altar servers, from left: Gracie Gawel, Ella Epstein, and Edwin Hernandez, pose with Archbishop Coyne, center, and Rev. Piotr Buczek. Photo by Kallie Gawel

The Mass was con-celebrated with the parish pastor, the Rev. Piotr Buczek, and the temporary master of ceremonies to Archbishop Coyne, the Rev. Carlos Castrillon.

Altar servers for the special fourth Sunday of Advent Mass were Edwin Hernandez, Ella Epstein and Gracie Gawel, all of Kent. The trio had also served together in October for the official installation of the Rev. Buczek as pastor of Saint Kateri parish.

A well-attended reception for Achbishop Coyne was held in the Sacred Heart parish hall following Mass. Parishioners from all three member churches were in attendance.

Parishioners Nancy Rafferty, parish secretary Sandy Papsin, Jack Rafferty, Vic and Marge Francis enjoyed the festive potluck honoring the new Archbishop of Hartford. Photo by Andrea Schoeny
Gregg Sheridan and Gary Davis, of Kent, pose for a photo during the reception after Mass at Sacred Heart on Sunday, Dec. 22. Gary Davis serves as parish trustee for Saint Kateri Tekakwitha parish. Photo by Andrea Schoeny
Parishioners Jerry Tobin, Marty Lindenmayer, Gail Tobin and Joe Agli, all of Kent, pose for a photo during the reception honoring the sixth Archbishop of Hartford, the Rev. Christopher Coyne. Photo by Andrea Schoeny
Parishioners Tom and Sharman Bartram and Sheila and Hugh Clark posed for a photo. Tom Bartram, of Sharon, serves as parish trustee. Photo by Andrea Schoeny

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha parish was formed in 2017 with the Archdiocesan merger of Sacred Heart in Kent, Saint Bernard in Sharon, and Saint Bridget in Cornwall Bridge. The merger brought the three parish families and staff together; the parish office and rectory are located on Cobble Road in Kent.

From left: the Rev. Carlos Castrillon, temporary master of ceremonies to Archbishop Coyne; the Most Rev. Christopher J. Coyne; the Rev. Piotr Buczek, pastor of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha parish, and parishioner Sharman Bartram. Photo by Andrea Schoeny

Weekend Mass times are Saturdays at 4 p.m. at Saint Bridget Church in Cornwall Bridge, 7 River Road, Sharon; Sundays at 8 a.m. at Saint Bernard in Sharon, 52 New St., Sharon,, and Sundays, 10 a.m. at Sacred Heart, 17 Bridge St., Kent. Weekly Mass times and information about holy days of obligation, catechism for children and special events can be found at the parish website.

Andrea Schoeny
Written By

Andrea Schoeny is a founding member of Kent News, Inc., the nonprofit publisher of The Kent Dispatch. She currently serves as the president of KNI and is proud to be a part of bringing trusted local journalism to the residents and visitors of Kent's eclectic rural community.

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