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Andrea Schoeny

President, Kent News, Inc. 

When Andrea moved to Kent in late 2020, she concluded that the town needed a one-stop shop for information about local news, utilities, events, and municipal and community resources. While it was especially difficult to get acquainted with Kent due to moving during the Pandemic (and at the beginning of winter), she soon realized that there are so many events and ongoing governmental processes of which many residents, not just new ones, are unaware. She was surprised to learn that after the original Kent Good Times Dispatch closed in 2009, there had been no singular news source that comprehensively covered issues unique and particular to the town of Kent. Andrea firmly believes that the re-establishment of a hyper-local news source provides a clearinghouse for all goings-on so that we have a more informed community that is efficiently engaged in cultivating the Kent we love.

As an occupational therapist, Andrea determines the best course of action for treatment, often requiring out-of-the-box approaches to solve seemingly intractable issues. She used the same problem-solving talents and organizational skills as the founding Secretary of Kent News, Inc., and is excited to carry that forward as President. Andrea is known for bringing her enthusiasm and technical skills to Kent News, Inc. to engage and attract various constituencies, promoting the benefit of all parties.

Like most Millenials, she has many interests, side hustles, and projects. When she’s not working as an OT, she tutors college students online, co-chairs the Kent Quilters group, and served on the Town of Kent’s Main Street Noise and Safety Subcommittee. You can often find her at the Kent Memorial Library and the Kent Farmers Market with her kids, Ollie and Felicity.


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