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Smiles greet KCS students on opening day


KENT—The first day of school was full of smiles and warm greetings as students arrived at Kent Center School Tuesday, Aug. 27.

One new student, Kadence Brennan, arrived off the bus and greeted Administrative Assistant Meghan Robb at the front door. She was ready to start as a first grader after doing a tour of the school the day before.

First grader Kadence Brennan walks through the front door of Kent Center School greeting Meghan Robb, the school’s administrative assistant, on the first day of school Tuesday, Aug. 27.

There are nine new students at KCS this year in the total enrollment of 184 students. Robb took half of the group in grades first through third grade on a tour of the building and introduced them to their teachers Monday afternoon. Secretary Mary Cox took the older students on a tour as well. 

Each of the new students had parents and siblings joining them as they made their way through the halls and classrooms. Kadence was tickled when she spotted her name written on an apple pinned to a bulletin board outside of her classroom with teacher Megan Tlasky.

“That’s my name,” she said pointing. “This is the best!”

Kadence assured Robb that she knew she was going to love going to her new school. 

There are only 12 kindergarten students this year so teachers Kathleen Robey and Valerie Vega will be co-teaching the group together, they said. Kindergartners got their own introduction to the school Monday as well and got a chance to ride the school bus, so they were prepared for that experience.

Resident Trooper Vicki Donohoe was also on hand Tuesday greeting students and teachers as they arrived at school.

Also new to the school district is Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley, who was at Kent Center School to meet students. She greeted each student who got off the first bus to arrive Tuesday with a high five and a smile. 

Brady-Shanley began her new role July 1. She is spending this week out in the schools getting to meet students, faculty and staff. She was joined at KCS by Director of Pupil Services Rebecca Gaschel-Clark, Supervisor of Special Education Ashley Holmes and Assistant Superintendent Jeanine Rose.

As Brady-Shanley made her way down Route 7 enroute to KCS, she spotted a fire truck at the Potter residence. Orlando Potter, son of Justin Potter and Claire Love, was getting a special ride to school on a truck from the Kent Volunteer Fire Department, driven by President John Russell. The family had won the trip in a raffle. The new superintendent took the opportunity to stop and jump in a photo with the family.

Region 1 Superintendent Melony Brady-Shanley stopped by the Potter home in Kent Tuesday, Aug. 27. Orlando Potter got a ride to KCS in the fire truck driven by President John Russell. Photo contributed

On Monday all of the staff and faculty gathered at Housatonic Valley Regional High School for an opening meeting and gathered in front of the school for a group photo. They arranged themselves by school, with many wearing school colors.

All teachers and staff from Region 1 gathered on Monday, Aug. 26 in front of Housatonic Valley Regional High School. Photo contributed

Robb greeted each of the students at the KCS front door on the first day by their name as they got off the bus. 

“This is my favorite day of the year,” Robb said. “It was so quiet (in the school) after working all summer. This is great to see all of them.”

(Editor’s Note: The original article’s photographs were adjusted as of Thursday, Aug. 29 at 12:43 p.m.)

Lynn Worthington
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