KENT—The Christmas season is well underway in Kent, with the Christmas Bazaar at St. Andrew’s Church and the annual tree lighting at Town Hall having already taken place.
The coming weekends bring the Parade of Lights and Holiday Fest on Saturday, Dec. 7, in addition to Pancakes with Santa in the morning and Kent Historical Society’s community holiday party in the evening on Saturday, Dec. 14.
The bazaar was a festive affair, with shoppers thronging the St. Andrew’s parish hall on Nov. 23 in search of treasures, and enjoying a new-this-year quilt exhibit in the chapel.
Members of the local quilting group were on hand to explain techniques, names of common block patterns, and fabric choices.
The tree lighting on Saturday, Nov. 30, drew a substantial crowd despite newly chilly temperatures.
A bundled-up Wanda Houston entertained the crowd with swinging renditions of holiday tunes while Elissa Potts served cookies and soul- and hand-warming hot chocolate, courtesy of the Fife ‘n Drum.
Houston’s lively beat set toes to tapping. One group of children broke out in enthusiastic dance moves.
At one point, Houston paused and said a special visitor was on his way and that she would shorten her program. In the distance, a siren wailed and soon Santa arrived, emerging from Rescue 8 with an all-inclusive wave. A gaggle of children surrounded him awe-filled looks, sharing high-fives and cookies with the jolly old elf.
Santa was there to do the honors and, as dusk gathered, he was introduced to the crowd by First Selectman Marty Lindenmayer and flipped the switch, lighting the town’s official Christmas tree.
The town’s paean to the yuletide season is not over, however. This Saturday, Dec. 7, the Kent Chamber of Commerce will hold its Holiday Fest, with town-wide sales, promotions, activities and the Gingerbread Festival during the day.
The gingerbread houses are to be displayed at various shops and galleries throughout town during December.
Riddle maps are available at shops encouraging visitors to find the hidden Gingerbread People at shops that cannot accommodate full-fledged houses. Those who complete the gingerbread scavenger hunt can win a prize.
The parade is a gala end to the town’s Holiday Fest, but there will be plenty of other attractions happening earlier in the day.
Non-profits will be set up on the Golden Falcon lot, 20 North Main St.
Manning stations there will be representatives from Kent Community Nursery School, offering baked goods by Rosie’s Kitchen; Marvelwood School, which will serve hot cider and cookies, and the Kent Dispatch with a youth reporter activity.
The Kent Land Trust will hold its annual meeting from 3 to 4:30 p.m. at the Kent Community House, 93 North Main St. All are welcome for cheer and refreshments at this festive celebration.
The fire department’s spectacular Parade of Lights steps off at 6 p.m. from the Kent Green, heads south on North Main Steet., before turning left onto Maple Street.
The parade will head east to the firehouse, where KFVD and the Chamber of Commerce will host a party, complete with caroling and food.
Everyone is welcome to participate in the parade. To reserve a spot, contact Mary Ann VanValkenberg at 860-488-1239.