KENT—The Planning and Zoning Commission, which has been working on updating local regulations to help implement the 2022 Plan of Conservation and Development, is planning a community meeting to talk about two remaining issue Wednesday, Nov. 29, at 6:30 p.m.
Some of the regulation changes already adopted addressed parking requirements, senior living developments, camps, special events and accessory dwelling units. Now, the commission wants to talk about a comprehensive revision of the Subdivision Regulations and revisions to the Conservation Development regulations.
The meeting will be conducted via ZOOM and meeting details will be shared on the town website as the date approaches. The regulations are available at Please click here for the Conservation Development Regulation Draft and here for the Kent Subdivision Regulations Revised Draft.
Following the public meeting, the Planning and Zoning Commission will review the comments received and further refine the regulations before scheduling a public hearing on adoption for early 2024.
Kent residents, businesses, and property owners are encouraged to come to the meeting to provide input and feedback on the regulations being considered.