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Lions Club welcomes two members; plans fall events


The Kent Lions Club is a group of local volunteers who gather to support our community. Our summer activities had us parking cars for the summer concert series, hosting blood drives, giving out hot dogs and snacks at the library’s carnival and participating in Summer Sidewalk Sales.

At our first meeting of the year, we welcomed two new members.

Joining the ranks are Sarah Chase and Justin Potter.

Our guest speaker was Sarah Marshall, director of the Kent Memorial Library. She shared the plans for the new library and some of the great programming they are doing, and invited folks to buy commemorative bricks.

As we look toward fall, the Connecticut Antique Machinery Show will be Sept. 28 and 29, we will be flipping burgers and dogs and the Kent Boy Scouts will be serving breakfast. We are excited to share that our “famous” corn brooms will be back in stock and available for purchase.

Spark Up, formerly Touch a Trade, will be Oct. 12 at CAMA, when the region’s leading trades and artisanal crafts professionals will share their expertise and enthusiasm with hundreds of young people. And, yup, Lions will be serving up breakfast, burgers and dogs.

On Oct. 21, we will host the next Red Cross blood drive at the Community House from 11a.m. to 4 p.m. If you want to donate signup here. 

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, Oct.16, at 6 p.m. at Bull’s Bridge. For more information about Lions check out our web site.

The Pillars of Lions Club Service are vision, hunger, diabetes, cancer, and the environment. Through awareness activities, fundraising and donating time to various projects and initiatives, we strive to make town a better place.

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1 Comment

  1. Hoheb Bruce

    October 3, 2024 at 3:53 pm

    It would be really helpful if you would include addresses of your venues and not say “at CAMA”, a place whose location is a mystery to me.
    I would love to donate blood, as well, but have no idea where to go. No address is given.
    I am a 30 year resident of Kent, and still don’t know where most of these events are held.
    Thank you for bringing all these worthwhile events to our attention and for the sometimes thankless work that you do. An address now and then would only increase your turnout!!

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