As we approach this holiday season, let us all take time to focus on kindness and gratitude for our families and community.
Megan Haney, farm director of the Marble Valley Farm at the Kent Land Trust, was the club’s guest speaker at its November meeting. She came bearing gifts of apples and recipes, and spoke about the initiative to provide fresh fruit and vegetables to the Kent Food Bank.
This is her last year as director. She is retiring in December and Sarah Lang will take over the helm.
In other business, Kathleen Lindenmayer and Mark Misercola were officially welcomed as the club’s newest members.
The club will be active in the community in the coming days, too.
Revelers are encouraged to keep an eye out for the Lions float in the Parade of Lights on Dec. 7.
After that, the club will co-host, with the Fife ‘n Drum, the Senior Holiday Luncheon on Dec. 11. All seniors in Kent are invited to attend the meal, which will be held at noon at the senior center at Templeton Farms, 16 Swifts Lane.
Then, a Red Cross blood drive will be held Dec. 16 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Community House on North Main Street. To schedule a donation, click here.
The “famous” Lions brooms are still available at a cost of $15. If you would like to purchase one, send an email to
Lastly, our next meeting will be Dec. 18 at 6 p.m. at the Bulls Bridge Inn, 333 Kent Road.
For more information about the Lions Club, visit our website or email We’re also on Facebook and Instagram.
Roar from the Lions Den is written by club president Karren Garrity. The Lions are a group of local volunteers who gather to support their community through fundraising, awareness activities, and donating time to various projects and initiatives.