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Kent Lions celebrate start of their 47th year


From The Den:

KENT—The local Lions are celebrating their 47th year as a club and acknowledged the anniversary Wednesday, Jan. 15, by hosting the first meeting of the year at meeting at the Fife ’n Drum Restaurant. The Fife’s founder, Dolph Traymon, was one of the Kent Lions’ charter members.

Raj Shrestha, the Lions’ District Commissioner, joined the local Lions and shared some of the Lions International objectives and programs.

During the evening, anniversary chevron pins were awarded to Chris Garrity, Gary Davis, and Bob Hock, all 35-year members; Dan Gant, a 30-year member; Bob Indorf, 20-year member; and Marsi Boon, Marty Lindenmayer and Norm Mosher, all 10-year members.

Membership pins acknowledging members who have sponsored new members were presented to Trisha McMahon Adams and Glenn Sanchez, while past president pins were also presented to Darlene Brady, Marty Lindenmayer and Sanchez.

The club also welcomed a new member, Cooper Sheldon, a recent arrival to Kent.

Guests at the meeting were the Lions scholarship recipients Eason Zang, who is attending Brown University, and Taylor Christen, who is at Cobbleskill University. Both shared reflections on their first semester in college. Club members received a letter from Linnea Saxton, Georgetown University, who is the club’s community service scholarship recipient. 

The club will host its next Red Cross Blood drive Monday, Feb. 17, at the Kent Community House, 93 N. Main St., from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Those who want to donate, can sign up here.

The club will support the Polar Run on Sunday, Feb. 23, at Lake Waramaug. It is a fundraiser for Guiding Eyes for the Blind. Registration is now open.

There will be a Food Drive to benefit the Kent Food Bank on Friday, Feb. 28, and Saturday, March 1, at the Davis IGA, 27 Kent Green Blvd.

The “famous” Lions brooms are still in stock. Brooms are $15 and are available at Kent Computer Services, 17 Kent Green Blvd., or send an email to

The club’s next meeting will be on Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 6 p.m., at Bulls Bridge Inn, 333 Kent Rd.

For more information about the Lions check out our web site, or email Follow the Kent Lions on Facebook and Instagram.

The Kent Lions Club is a group of local volunteers who gather to support our community. The Pillars of Lions Club Service are Vision, Hunger, Diabetes, Cancer and the Environment. Through awareness activities, fundraising and donating time to various projects and initiatives, we strive to make town a better place.

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