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Freedom of the Press is Not Free Please Donate Now


It’s been a busy month for both the town and the Kent Good Times Dispatch. The town is in the last stage of a countdown to its biennial municipal elections, while the Kent GTD has been awakening from a 13-year slumber, renewing its position as a news source for the community.

But we need your help to keep it coming every week.

The directors are applying for grants and selling advertising. Now we are asking you to help us raise the rest of the money needed to keep the GTD viable, to let us improve it, and someday, it is hoped, to have the print version many people asked for.

As a nonprofit corporation, Kent News, Inc. has qualified for an Institute for Nonprofit News NewsMatch grant. Though Dec. 31, every dollar donated in amounts of $1,000 or less will be matched up to a maximum of $13,000. Raising the matching funds makes us eligible for other bonuses. 

So please donate to Kent News, Inc. during this holiday season. A big “Donate” button is located on the right-hand side of the newspaper under the invitation to “Subscribe to the GTD.” Checks made out to Kent News, Inc., or KNI can also be sent directly to Kent News, Inc., PO Box 532, Kent, CT 06757.

One of the easiest ways to contribute is to make a monthly donation. A modest donation of $5 or $10 every month. If 500 people donate $10 a month, we would raise $60,000 a year—enough to pay a full-time editor.

And don’t forget to subscribe. Subscribers are prompted when each weekly edition is posted.

Kent News, Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit Corporation and registered charity in Connecticut. It is a tax-exempt corporation under the Internal Revenue Code designation 501(C)(3). Any questions on tax deducibility should be directed to your tax advisor.

Our mission is to be a non-partisan, non-profit news and information source committed to building community and enhancing the lives of our residents, businesses, and organizations by providing trusted local information and covering topics of interest to the Kent Community.

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