KENT, Conn. — Julianne Roshan Dow of the Dow Integrative Institute, 23 Maple St., will offer a free Jin Shin Jyutsu online play-shop experience Saturday, Jan. 25, at 4 p.m. Participants will immerse themselves in the ancient art of harmonizing the life force energy within the body—a practice akin to Chinese acupuncture, but without needles.

This modality, embraced by Integrative Medicine Departments, promotes well-being and eases symptoms. The play-shop, thoughtfully crafted to meet individual needs, guides participants in mastering simple hand applications to bring harmony to the spirit, mind and body.
Those who wish to join in the experience are invited to share their emotional or physical challenges confidentially so that the class can best address their needs by clicking here.
This play-shop complements medical care but does not replace it.
To register, click here, then click on the blue highlighted date, then time (4 p.m.), and then click on “next.”