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First selectman candidates face off at debate: watch recording here


KENT – The three candidates vying for a seat as Kent First Selectman participated in a moderated debate at town hall on the evening of Oct. 13. Rufus de Rham, an incumbent unaffiliated selectman, Martin Lindenmayer, who is unaffiliated, and Democratic candidate Lynn Mellis Worthington, answered nine questions from moderator Steve Pener in the 90-minute debate.

The debate was organized and sponsored by Kent News, Inc., publishers of The Kent Good Times Dispatch. In-person attendees included seventy registered Kent voters; ninety unique viewers attended via Zoom during the debate. You can watch the Zoom recording here.

Andrea Schoeny
Written By

Andrea Schoeny is a founding member of Kent News, Inc., the nonprofit publisher of The Kent Dispatch. She currently serves as the president of KNI and is proud to be a part of bringing trusted local journalism to the residents and visitors of Kent's eclectic rural community.


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