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Adult Art Group

Kent Community House 93 N. Main Street, Kent, CT, United States

Come paint, critique, and enjoy time with other adult artists at Kent Park and Rec's Adult Art Group. The group meets on Mondays from 10am-12pm at the Kent Community House. ***Participants must bring their own supplies*** This program is free and open to the public Registration: For more information and to register, please contact Matt […]

Senior Chair Yoga

Kent Senior Center 16 Swifts Lane, Kent, CT, United States

Chair Yoga will meet at the Senior Center on Mondays at 10:00AM, with the exception of MLK Day on 1/20 and President's Day on 2/17. As always, reservations are required. Call 860-927-2055 or email

Senior Lunch and Learn: The State of Medical Care in the Northwest Corner

Kent Senior Center 16 Swifts Lane, Kent, CT, United States

Come join friends at the Senior Center on 3/3 at 11:30am with a talk by Jim Hutchison of Sharon Hospital. The topic is, "The State of Medical Care in the Northwest Corner." A simple lunch is to follow. There is a cost associated with this event. Scholarships are available. Register: Please call the Senior Center […]

Event Series Music & Rhyme for 0-3

Music & Rhyme for 0-3

Kent Memorial Library 32 North Main Street, Kent, CT, United States

Join the Kent Memorial Library for its music and story group called "Music & Rhyme" for babies from birth through three years old! This program is for babies and their caretakers and incorporates music, rhythm, stories, and nursery rhymes to spur language development, body awareness, pre-reading skills, self-confidence, and cooperation. Gather at 10:15; the program […]

Senior Bingo with Park & Rec

Kent Senior Center 16 Swifts Lane, Kent, CT, United States

All area seniors are invited to join Kent Park & Rec for our twice-monthly afternoon of BINGO at the Kent Senior Center.  It's free of charge and advanced registration isn't necessary - just come join us ready to have some fun and win some cool prizes courtesy of Park & Rec! This program takes place […]

Adult Open Gym Basketball

Kent Center School 9 Judd Avenue, Kent, CT, United States

Adult Co-ed Pick-up Basketball takes place Tuesday nights from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Kent Center School gym. Show up ready to play; no advanced registration or fee is required. All players must sign a waiver before stepping on the court. Ring the *after 4 p.m.* doorbell at the school’s front entrance to be […]

Event Series Music & Rhyme for 0-3

Music & Rhyme for 0-3

Kent Memorial Library 32 North Main Street, Kent, CT, United States

Join the Kent Memorial Library for its music and story group called "Music & Rhyme" for babies from birth through three years old! This program is for babies and their caretakers and incorporates music, rhythm, stories, and nursery rhymes to spur language development, body awareness, pre-reading skills, self-confidence, and cooperation. Gather at 10:15; the program […]

Drop-Off for Food Bank

Kent Community House 93 N. Main Street, Kent, CT, United States

The Kent Food Bank is available to Kent residents who are in need of assistance to meet their daily nutritional needs. The Food Bank is made possible due to the support of the Kent Community Fund and the commitment of a dedicated team of volunteers. Donations can be dropped off on Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. […]

“In the News” Discussion Group

Kent Memorial Library 32 North Main Street, Kent, CT, United States

Hungry for intelligent discussion on the events of the day? Then this open discourse program is for you. The "In the News" group meets the first and third Thursdays of each month in the Reading Room at Kent Memorial Library. The group sets the agenda. Moderated by Rick Levy. Free and Open to the Public. […]

Lunch Bunch at KML

Kent Memorial Library 32 North Main Street, Kent, CT, United States

Bring your lunch to the Kent Memorial Library to listen to stories and enjoy a fun craft. Individual craft kits will be available. All are welcome; this program is intended for preschool-aged children. This event is on Thursdays in person in the Junior Room of the Library. Registration is appreciated but not required.

Book talk by former U.S. diplomat William H. Luers

Kent Memorial Library 32 North Main Street, Kent, CT, United States

Kent Memorial Library and the House of Books will host a talk by former U.S. diplomat William H. Luers about his revelatory memoir, “Uncommon Company,” on Thursday, March 6, at 6:30 p.m. The program will be held in the Reading Room at the library. Luers will share stories of his career as a diplomat to […]

French Fridays!

Join the Kent Memorial Library on the first Friday of every month for a French Conversation Group in the Reading Room! All levels welcome.

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