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Years of training pay off in quick control of KenMont KenWood fire
Selectmen hear budget needs of Cemetery Committee
Social Services details food insecurity in Kent for officials
News Roundup
Chorus Angelicus to appear in Music in the Nave family program
“Kent Night” planned by High Watch Recovery Center
Masons carry on quiet mission of charitable support
Public invited to ‘In the Room’ program with Governor Lamont
Social Services plans mental health intervention training
Kent Center School Scholarship Fund is accepting applications
Blood drive announced at Frederick Gunn School
“Hands Off” plans rally in Salisbury April 5
Washington Art Association opens members show
Spring Arts and Fine Crafts Show planned for Merwinsville Hotel
‘Crowns, Keys and Power’ talk set at Kenise Barnes Gallery
Washington Art Association plans potluck supper
Representational Juried Show opens at KAA
Sharon Playhouse announces spring classes for kids
Entries sought for Great Hollow Juried Art Show
Original musical to be staged at Kent Center School
Registration open for KCNS summer sessions
HVRHS spring sports swing into action March 31
Sports equipment swap planned at KCS
Pete Rose: baseball’s haunting presence
KENT, Conn.—Kent Center School will present an original musical, “The Hang Up,” at the school on April 9 and 10. The show will be...
Kent Community Nursery School has announced its seven-week summer fun sessions. Sessions will run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays June 16-20, June...
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