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Tuesday referendum vote will decide speed camera issue
Lindenmayer reflects on first year in office, the road ahead
Wetlands Commission looks at plan for Stonewall Lane
CommUNITY effort decorates town with lighted stars
Safe Sitter course offered at library
Winter gear tag sale planned
Retirement strategies seminar set by library
Library to hold tax preparation seminar
Free Yoga Nidra offered on Jan. 7
Winter Festival planned for Burr Pond State Park
Shapiro, Karetzky to discuss art, writing
Sherman Playhouse to audition for “Dinner with Friends”
Grisell’s “Visual Diary” at Kent Library
Sharon Playhouse announces Winter Workshops
Kenise Fine Arts exhibit features “Inside for the Winter” artwork
Park and Rec announces winter skating programs
The history of Kent’s form of government
Ho, Ho, Ho! Tree hunting we will go
Trivia Question What is the importance of the date December 15? A) The Constitution was signed on that date B) It is when the...
Finding the right tree for the Christmas holidays takes patience, persistence and many more than 10,000 steps. A recent Sunday journey to do just...
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